Cell Phone Radiation Protection and Cellular Safety!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cell Phone Radiation - Are We Guinea Pigs?

Here is an article that gives some more evidence that cell phone use can be harmful.

Wireless lifestyle makes us test subjects || OnlineAthens.com: "Wireless lifestyle makes us test subjects

By CHRISTOPHER KETCHAM - Athens Banner-Herald

Published Thursday, March 25, 2010
Buzz up!

We love our digital gadgets, but there is growing evidence of a dark side. Your cell phone, and any other wireless device that depends on electromagnetic microwave radiation to function, may be hazardous to your health.

Most of the bad news comes from major labs and research institutions in Europe. What they're reporting is that using cell phones and Wi-Fi transmitters can have biological effects. The scientific debate remains heated and far from resolved. But the research to date suggests a number of chilling possibilities as to what EM radiation may be doing to us."

Click on the link above for more of the article.

Also, here is information on the #1 Trusted Wave Shield Protection Device for your cell phones.