Barnidge: Why don't cell phones carry warnings? -
THE SURGICAL procedure is called a craniotomy, and Alan Marks says it is as frightening as it sounds. Nineteen months ago, his skull was opened to remove a golf ball-sized malignant tumor from the right frontal lobe of his brain in a seven-hour operation at UCSF Medical Center.
It had been growing there for years, he was told, before announcing itself May 6, 2008. That's when he had a seizure, flailing his arms, uttering unintelligible sounds and terrifying his wife, Ellie.
The Lafayette resident said he knows what caused it: extensive cell phone use.
Ellie and son Zack first wondered about the connection, researching Alan's condition online. She contacted international authorities on the correlation between cell phones and cancer, including Drs. Lennart Hardell of Sweden and Elihu Richter of Israel, who reviewed her husband's medical and cell phone history.
"They said absolutely, without a doubt, there is a connection," Ellie said.
Other experts will debate the conclusion, nonbelievers will dismiss it and those of us with no strong opinion will scratch our chins. In fact, we did that in this space 12 days ago, wondering about the dangers of the electromagnetic radiation that cell phones emit.
Click on the link above for more of the article.
Also, here is information on the #1 Trusted Wave Shield Protection Device for your cell phones.