Cell Phone Radiation Protection and Cellular Safety!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Are Mobile Phones Dangerous?

I believe so, but the debate will be going on for what looks like many, many more years so the answer is for you to decide, but consider this.

Until more is known about cell phone dangers then you should be avoiding mobile phone radiation and use the only proven & tested cell phone radiation protection device on the market today.

We wear our seat belt for protection in case of a car accident, we wear helmets to protect ourselves from head injuries when riding our bike or playing sports and we use condoms to practice safe sex. These safety precautions are done to minimize the harmful effects to your health and well being aren't they, so why would you not want to make your cell phone as safe as can be and use a protective device on your cell phone.

We are now a world that has become overly dependent on our mobile phones; therefore it is more than inconceivable to suggest that we stop using them, for many that is just not possible. What is being suggested here is that you use your cell phone and cordless phone with safety in mind and use what works and what will provide you with the best possible protection when it comes to the radiation that goes directly into your inner ear when talking on the phone. The inner ear is has the highest absorption rate than any other part of your body and most of the health concerns are directly behind the ear.

Yes, your favorite mobile phone is loaded with clever features and applications that allows you to do just about anything, but what you need to realize is that it does emit radiation when it is turned on and that radiation has been linked in numerous studies to various health issues one of which cell phone cancer. You wouldn’t stick your head in a working microwave oven would you, then why do you want to use a cell phone without using a WaveShield radiation protection device?

Research has been conducted worldwide and is continuing so as to possibly come to a firm conclusion on how long term cell phone use affects the brain, infertility, cancer and many other serious illnesses. The research that has been done so far has been on people who have been exposed to cell phone radiation for less than 10 years and indications are pointing to more serious effects with frequent and longer use although some findings disagree.

For every piece of evidence that shows a link between cell phone use and ill health, there are further studies which contradict that link. You can draw your own conclusions from an analysis that was done of 350 studies performed independently from networks and manufacturers that approximately 75% confirmed biological effects from mobile phone radiation, compared to only 25% performed by industry funded research.

If you are old enough to remember what the tobacco industry spouted for years that smoking was safe and we all know what happened with that argument.

Until things are finally determined one way or the other you need to err on the side of caution and use a Wave Shield Radiation Protection Device on all your mobile phones which includes cordless phones.

Why take a chance with your health, have the comfort of knowing that you are doing something right now to protect yourself and your family.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Healthcare Technology and News: Mobile Phones Pose Long-term Health Risks? Decades-long Study Says So

The fact is that cell phones do emit radiation.

But in the absence of a definite answer you need to decide for yourself how you feel about cell phone radiation. Maybe you feel you don't need to be concerned but I would recommend keeping yourself informed as more studies come to light. In the meantime maybe there is cause for concern, for me the evidence is pointing in that direction, especially when it comes to young people.

There are several things you can do to limit cell phones hazards and one is to use a proven and tested mobile radiation protection device.

For the cost it does what it says it does and that is it stops the radiation from going directly into your inner ear.

Until the study is done that is mentioned below maybe it is best to err on the side of caution as an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, isn't it.

Healthcare Technology and News: Mobile Phones Pose Long-term Health Risks? Decades-long Study Says So

Reports have now surfaced releasing a decades-long study that connects the use of mobile phones and long-term health problems such as cancer and neurological diseases.

The Cohort Study on Mobile Communications, or “COSMOS,” examines over 250,000 between 18 to 69 in Britain, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark, and the overall health risks us cell phone junkies potentially face.

While previous studies have investigated this research before, there has yet to be a study conducted over decades of time. And, seeing as how many cancers take longer to develop, not ot mention the rise of mobile phones is a pretty new trend, Principal Investigator at the Imperial College London, Professor Paul Elliot, said the longer survey was a necessity.

“Research to date has necessarily mainly focused on [mobile phone] use on the short term, less than 10 years,” Elliot said at a press event. “The COSMOS study will be looking at long-term use, 10, 20 or 30 years. And with long-term monitoring there will be time for diseases to develop.”

While Elliot and his college claim this is in fact a real problem, groups such as the World Health Organization, the American Cancer Society and the National Institutes of Health, have all concluded that scientific evidence to date does not support any adverse health effects associated with the use of cell phones.

However, could that be attributed to the lack of longer case studies?

The study will work with mobile operators to examine a participant's mobile phone use whether making calls, sending texts and downloading data. It will also look at how users carry their phone, such as in a trouser or chest pocket and whether they use hand-free kits and any potential health risks and connections with this behavioral patterns.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cellphone Risks and Radiation

Is Your Life On the Line? That is a question that you need to consider. Here is a portion of an article from "Men's Health" that states quite clearly that there is a definite risk when using your cell phone and everyone needs to start practicing "Safe Cell Phone Use".

As scientists test whether cellphones cause tumors, they're receiving lots of static from the telecom industry. Here's what you need to know before you point a loaded phone at your head

By: Paul Scott, Photographs by: Bartholomew Cooke

After studying 1,400 brain-tumor patients and an equal number of healthy people, Dr. Hardell found not only a doubling of braintumor risk after 10 years of heavy wirelessness, but also a specific risk on the side of the head patients remembered using their phones on. (Critics say that recollections by brain-tumor patients would be colored by where the tumor grew.) In 2003, Dr. Hardell looked at the same data and found the risk from using cellphones rose with a patient's total hours of use. Two years later he sorted the people in his study by address and discovered that rural cellphone users -- whose phones must emit much more power to reach towers than urban phones do -- faced a higher risk of tumors.

For Dr. Herberman, it was the idea of RF radiation saturating the heads of children that most troubled him. "Of all the studies I had read linking an increased risk with cellphone use," he says, "none had been done with kids." Now retired from the UPCI, Dr. Herberman remains in the minority on the issue. "A number of my colleagues in the cancer community wonder whether I did the right thing," he says, "whether there was enough evidence to sound an alarm. But most of them didn't take the trouble to assess the published results. Whenever they ask me why I spoke up, I ask them if they've read the research, and what I usually get is, 'No, I hadn't seen much about that.' "

Dr. Herberman and Davis are now waiting for the publication of the troubling findings presented by Davis last summer in Davos, Switzerland. After parsing the NIH database of brain-tumor incidence in the United States, Davis discovered an "increasing incidence of brain tumors in the United States in people under age 30," she wrote in an e-mail. "The reasons for this trend could include changing patterns of use of cellphones, diagnostic radiation, or even aspartame." Davis, who moved on from Pitt's cancer institute to found the Environmental Health Trust, thinks it's lousy that her findings remain mired in review while the authors of a recent article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute made headlines for suggesting that there had been no increase in brain tumors in Scandinavia between 1998 and 2003, a period still early in the use of cellphones.

might simply be arguing about earbuds. That's right: Whatever the outcome of these clashes between RF wonks, no one has proposed a ban on cellphones. "In general," says Dr. Carpenter, "merely pulling the phone 6 inches away will dramatically reduce your exposure."

This entire seemingly apocalyptic argument, in other words, is over whether the cellphone industry should warn us to wear our earbuds, keep the things away from our kids, and use the speaker feature. That seems like an easy enough suggestion. But it's like suggesting to an NRA member that he put a lock on his gun. Not over my dead cellphone battery, the industry shouts back.

If you have read the whole article, it doesn't look like the industry is about to provide any type of warning or protection, so it seems we need to take that matter into our own hands and do what we can to protect ourselves and our family with the only cell phone radiation device available.

Here are more tips to protect yourself.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

How Much Is Your Child Using Their Cell Phone?

If you haven’t paid attention to how much time your child is using their cell phone maybe it is time you did.

On average children and teens are using their cell phone a staggering 43 plus hours per month. Did you realize that their still developing tissues and cells are being heated up during all those calls?

If you could, as a loving parent, would you not want to do whatever you could to protect your child’s brain development and their long-term health so they can have a healthy and successful future.

Cell phones are here to stay and they are not only a great tool to keep tabs on your children and teens they are also the way of the adult world as well. What would we now do without all the instant communication we have become accustomed to?

Staying healthy and well is what we all want to achieve but I’m not sure we are getting the whole story here because the industry is big business for all participants involved. In order to protect yourself and your family from potentially dangerous cell phone radiation we have to take matters into our own hands, even though we all love the convenience of cell phone technology.

For about the last ten years the debate on whether cell phones are safe has been bouncing back and forth like a ping pong ball. But more and more studies recently have been showing the link between brain tumors and cancers because cell phone use didn’t become widespread until the late 1990s. It usually takes 10 to 20 years for cancers to start showing up, so now is the time when these risks will become apparent.

So How Can You Protect Yourself And Your Family?

The best way would be to simply not use a cell phone. These days that is not a very practical solution as the technology is here to stay. What I strongly suggest is that you do not let your kids use them or limit their use to an absolutely must type situations. Their developing nervous systems and thinner skulls are simply way too vulnerable to the damage cell phone radiation can cause.

Another option is to provide protection on the phone with a product that has been proven and tested in top labs across Russia, Europe and the USA.

The Wave Shield is a soft comfort cushion device, about the size of a penny that adheres to the ear piece of any cellular phone and acts as a cellular protection system that has been tested and proven to block up to 97% of the electromagnetic radiation from your inner ear.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

[Video] Do You Need To Change The Way You Use Your Mobile Phone?

What they are talking about in this video should be a wake up call to everyone that is using a cell phone often and are keeping it on when on their body and maybe even sleeping with it under their pillow. You need to change the way you use your phone or possibly pay a price with your health.

Even if you are on the phone for only a couple of minutes, research shows that a two-minute phone call has been found to alter brain activity for up to an hour! Try to limit your calls to those that are necessary, and keep them as short as possible!

Here are a few important tips to protect your health, your children's health and to reduce the radiation exposure from your cell phone:

Keep your phone fully charged. This limits the power needed to establish a connection when making a call which in turn means less radiation you are being exposed to.

Turn off your phone when not in use. I know this goes against why most people have a cell phone, i.e. you can be reached wherever you are. But, cell phones still emit radiation when not in use left on. So, the best thing is to turn off your phone when you are not using it. Studies are indicating that cell phones worn near the groin may reduce sperm count in some men and may increase the risk of testicular cancer!

Use the speakerphone and hold the phone at a distance while you wait for a call to connect and continue to hold the phone four or five inches away speaking into it (like a microphone) throughout the phone conversation.

Okay, but you need to have your phone on as that is your lifeline to your work or business, a way to keep track of your kids, so what can you do to protect yourself?

There is an EMR-blocking device available. These electromagnetic wave shields can block 50 to 99% of the radiation (depending on the type of phone you have) when the phone is placed next to the ear. The area behind the ear has been linked to tumors from cell phone use. This is the only proven and tested device in the reduction of the radiation going directly into your inner ear.

If you use a headset then you need an air flow headset. Replacing a wired headset with an airflow headset reduces the likelihood of radiation reaching your inner ear and brain. Tests with air flow headsets have reduced radiation by up to 95%.

Stop the radiation wave and get protection for your phones now, including your cordless phones, same deal there. This is the one and only product that has been approved by the FTC, it does what it says it does and it is very affordable.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

[Video] Dr. George Carlo Talks About Cell Phone Dangers

Here is a TV Interview with Dr. Carlo (Campbell Live, TV3)

Dr. Carlo talks about the cell phone industry’s marketing towards children and the epidemic predictions from cell phone use. What is the wireless world doing to our health and the health of future generations?

Remember, the damage from cell phone exposure will take many years to surface, and there are rarely any initial symptoms, just like smoking and lung cancer. At this point, you cannot completely avoid wireless radiation from all sources since they’re so pervasive. Getting rid of your cell phone altogether can help protect you. But even if you don’t want to take that step, you can still minimize your exposure and reduce your risks by using a cell phone radiation protection device. Don't be fooled by the products that can't provide the proof they do what they claim or have not been tested in approved labs. Waveshield has that proof.

[Video] Wireless Hazards - An Emerging Public Health Risk

You need to take precautions now....listen and learn!

A panel discussion addressing wireless hazards, an emerging public health and environmental issue, happened at the Columbia University Law School. Speakers included Camilla Rees, founder of ElectromagneticHealth.org; Martin Blank PhD, Associate Professor at Columbia University Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics; and Whitney North Seymour, Jr. Esq., Attorney at Law and Co-Founder of the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Wireless Hazards Panel - Columbia University Law School from ElectromagneticHealth.Org on Vimeo.

You want to continue using your cell phones then you need to use a protective device that blocks up to 99% of the cell phone radiation going into your ear when you are talking. This is the only tested and proven device in the U.S. that works with studies and tests to prove it does.

Friday, April 9, 2010

What About Harmful Effects Of Cell Phones

The Debate continues. Seems like this debate could go on for some time. So what is a person to do when you get told that cell phones are safe and then others say there is a great concern that studies are now showing with long term use they could cause brain tumors.

That's why there's a continuing concern about the tiny amount of radiation that cell phones emit.

"A lot of evidence is coming to light about the harmful effects of cell phones."

And some of the highest radiation levels come from some of the newest and coolest phones.

There are worries about brain cancer, but we can reduce our exposure.

There are about 270 million Americans with cell phones.

That's nearly 90 percent of our population.

So it's very important to know if cell phone radiation can hurt us.

Unfortunately, it's hard to know who to believe, or to get a black and white answer.


"The absence of definitive human evidence now, which I acknowledge, should not be misinterpreted as proof of safety," says Dr. Devra Davis, an environmental health scientist.

Even though there's no definitive evidence of harm, Dr. Davis is sounding the alarm, concerned that using cell phones for years can increase the risk of brain cancer.

"I think the way many of us are using them today will kill people in the future," she says.

To say that's a frightening charge would be an understatement, and some people would call it irresponsible.


The cell phone industry says: "The peer-reviewed scientific evidence has overwhelmingly indicated that wireless devices do not pose a public health risk."

And it's not just the industry saying that.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control say basically the same thing.

But Dr. Davis says the studies they point to are often dated and haven't followed cell users long enough.

She says other studies, especially in Europe, are finding at least a potential danger.

"What we're finding is very worrisome," says Dr. Davis.

For a small amount of money, probably the amount you spend on coffee every week you can have a cell phone safety shield on your cell phones to keep you family protected.

Protect Your Family!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Apple blocks app that warns users of radiation levels - Telegraph

Now this seems interesting, a mobile phone company that is talking about the unknown dangers of cell phone radiation and working out a deal with another company to provide an app that would help determine the radiation levels when talking on the phone.

What good is an App going to do for you? Is that really going to stop the radiation from entering your brain? I don't think so.

What is needed is a product attached to your phone that will block harmful radiation, no matter where you are, up to 99% of the time.

Here is the article below:

Apple blocks app that warns users of radiation levels - Telegraph

The inexpensive application for the iPhone tells owners when radiation levels have inched up too high and provides advice on how to counter the potentially damaging effects of phone radiation.

The company which invented the app says that its solution gives users the information and tools to avoid mobile phone radiation as much as possible.

It works by "mapping" homes or offices so they'll know where they're exposed to significant levels of mobile phone radiation.

Apple has blocked the app by Israeli company Tawkon on the grounds that it's a diagnostic tool that would create confusion for iPhone owners.

The company said it was disappointed as it claimed there was a lot of concern among the public about reducing mobile phone radiation because of the still unknown long term risks of exposure.

Tawkon supplies simple precautionary measures to minimize radiation, based on a user's location and phone usage.

Apple said it doesn't want its customers to install an app that would cause confusion among users The apps inventor said Apple didn't want an app that appears to advise phone users to talk less - even though its stated aim is to make it safe for them to talk.

The Tawkon app doesn't measure radiation but uses sophisticated software to advise when and where radiation levels might be high.

A company spokesman said: That action might be to move to a different location until the radiation levels drop, or to plug in a headset or use a speakerphone in your car.

We give users the ability to see and feel non-ionizing radiation. Once you know whether you're in a red, orange or green zone, you have the information you need to take action.

The app relies on processing a dizzying array of factors, including your location, environmental factors such as the weather, Bluetooth functionality, how close your phone is to your body -utilizing the iPhone's proximity sensors how the phone is being held, vertically or horizontally, GPS, and even the phone's built-in compass.

It then prompts users with a vibration or tone when the radiation levels reach a dangerous threshold.Some of the worst places to talk in terms of radiation are a room with thick concrete walls, a basement or a lift.

Gil Friedlander, founder of Tawkon, is in talks with Apple and "optimistic and hopeful that the issue will be solved soon."

He said: "We are not anti mobile phone. We love our phones, too.

"We won't give them up. But we can help people use them more responsibly."

The company said it was in talks with having the application on other mobile phones including Blackberries.

Cell phone cancer link inconclusive but experts advise caution.

Ask yourself this....do you want to wait until they conclude cell phones use is linked to cancer or do you want to protect your family and yourself from the harmful radiation now? Up to you.

From: CNN

WASHINGTON (CNN) The science is still out, but evidence so far indicates people should limit how much we use a cell phone, BlackBerry or iPhone due to a possible cancer risk, a Senate subcommittee heard Monday.

While no solid connection between mobile communications devices and human cancer has been established, studies indicating the likelihood of such a link call for a precautionary approach, medical experts testified at the hearing chaired by Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa.

Recommendations included using such devices less, keeping them away from the body, and limiting their use by children.

"Children have a configuration of their skull that does allow penetration of cell-phone radiation," noted Dr. John Bucher, associate director of the National Toxicology Program at the National Institutes of Health.

However, Bucher stopped short of declaring a causal link between cell-phone use and human cancer.

Other witnesses before the Senate Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Subcommittee noted the relatively short history of widespread cell-phone use, dating back only two decades.

Early studies are inconclusive, said Dr. Siegal Sadetzki of Tel Aviv University, but those done on subjects after 10 years of cell-phone use were showing higher incidences of tumors and other problems.

She cited a correlation between the amount of use, the side of the head where the device was held for talking, and incidences of tumors in salivary glands in that area.

"Until definite answers are available, some public health measures especially for children should be instituted," Sadetzki said. "It's not whether we should use cell phones, but how we should use them."

None of the participants in the hearing including Harkin said they were giving up their cell phones, but all agreed that restricting use and keeping the units away from the body were good ideas.

Dr. Devra Davis a founding director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute criticized U.S. regulators and researchers for a lack of attention to the issue. She called for updated standards based on new research, and increased funding for more extensive research.

"I am not alarmed I am concerned, because the world has changed very rapidly and we have a right to know," Davis said.

If you are ready to protect yourself and your family here is the #1 tested and trusted Cell Phone Radiation Protection Device on the market today!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mobile Phone Use is Linked to Brain Tumors - According to a UK Study.

Why Take A Chance?


LONG-term mobile phone users could face a higher risk of developing cancer in later life, according to a decade-long study.

The report, to be published later this year, has reportedly found that heavy mobile use is linked to brain tumours.

The survey of 12,800 people in 13 countries has been overseen by the World Health Organisation. Preliminary results of the inquiry, which is looking at whether mobile phone exposure is linked to three types of brain tumour and a tumour of the salivary gland, have been sent to a scientific journal.

The findings are expected to put pressure on the British Government which has insisted that mobile phones are safe to issue stronger warnings to users.



There is a proven and tested product that REDUCES THE POTENTIAL CELL PHONE DANGER FROM RADIATION.

Friday, April 2, 2010

15 Reasons Why Cell Phone Radiation Causes Brain Tumors.

The video discusses research on cellphones and brain tumors and concludes:

* The risk is there when it comes to cell phone use and brain tumors;
* Telecom funded studies underestimate the risk of brain tumors, and;
* Children are at a greater risk than adults for brain tumors.

Watch this Video and decide for yourself and then download and read a free report on 15 Reasons Why Cell Phone Radiation causes Brain Tumors.

Protect yourself, your family and friends by using the Waveshield Protection Device that fits right on your cell phone or cordless phone.

Here is the link for the report.



Waveshield is a proven and tested product that REDUCES THE POTENTIAL HEALTH RISK on any cell phone and cordless phone.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Studies, Health Risks and Cell Phones

There have been several studies over the years and lately, especially in Europe, of the long term risks of cell phone use and brain tumors.

◦ Over 170 studies worldwide
◦ Only two studies are from the USA
◦ England, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany and France have age restrictions for children to use a cell phone
◦ The United States has no age restrictions
◦ France has banned all advertising for cell phones to children

What these latest reports indicate are growing health concerns, such as:

◦ Children are at greatest risk
◦ Forecast indicates 500,000 tumours by 2015
◦ Symptoms of cell phone radiation include heat, headache, fatigue, tingling, short term memory loss, hard of hearing◦ Wired head sets and blue tooth are extremely dangerous

There is no absolute proof that cell and cordless phones cause cancer and health problems but the evidence from all these studies is growing.


Protect yourself, your family and friends by using the Waveshield.

Waveshield is a proven and tested product that REDUCES THE POTENTIAL HEALTH RISK on any cell phone and cordless phone.