As scientists test whether cellphones cause tumors, they're receiving lots of static from the telecom industry. Here's what you need to know before you point a loaded phone at your head
, Photographs by: After studying 1,400 brain-tumor patients and an equal number of healthy people, Dr. Hardell found not only a doubling of braintumor risk after 10 years of heavy wirelessness, but also a specific risk on the side of the head patients remembered using their phones on. (Critics say that recollections by brain-tumor patients would be colored by where the tumor grew.) In 2003, Dr. Hardell looked at the same data and found the risk from using cellphones rose with a patient's total hours of use. Two years later he sorted the people in his study by address and discovered that rural cellphone users -- whose phones must emit much more power to reach towers than urban phones do -- faced a higher risk of tumors.
For Dr. Herberman, it was the idea of RF radiation saturating the heads of children that most troubled him. "Of all the studies I had read linking an increased risk with cellphone use," he says, "none had been done with kids." Now retired from the UPCI, Dr. Herberman remains in the minority on the issue. "A number of my colleagues in the cancer community wonder whether I did the right thing," he says, "whether there was enough evidence to sound an alarm. But most of them didn't take the trouble to assess the published results. Whenever they ask me why I spoke up, I ask them if they've read the research, and what I usually get is, 'No, I hadn't seen much about that.' "
Dr. Herberman and Davis are now waiting for the publication of the troubling findings presented by Davis last summer in Davos, Switzerland. After parsing the NIH database of brain-tumor incidence in the United States, Davis discovered an "increasing incidence of brain tumors in the United States in people under age 30," she wrote in an e-mail. "The reasons for this trend could include changing patterns of use of cellphones, diagnostic radiation, or even aspartame." Davis, who moved on from Pitt's cancer institute to found the Environmental Health Trust, thinks it's lousy that her findings remain mired in review while the authors of a recent article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute made headlines for suggesting that there had been no increase in brain tumors in Scandinavia between 1998 and 2003, a period still early in the use of cellphones.
WHEN YOU COME DOWN TO IT, THOUGH, WE might simply be arguing about earbuds. That's right: Whatever the outcome of these clashes between RF wonks, no one has proposed a ban on cellphones. "In general," says Dr. Carpenter, "merely pulling the phone 6 inches away will dramatically reduce your exposure."
This entire seemingly apocalyptic argument, in other words, is over whether the cellphone industry should warn us to wear our earbuds, keep the things away from our kids, and use the speaker feature. That seems like an easy enough suggestion. But it's like suggesting to an NRA member that he put a lock on his gun. Not over my dead cellphone battery, the industry shouts back.
If you have read the whole article, it doesn't look like the industry is about to provide any type of warning or protection, so it seems we need to take that matter into our own hands and do what we can to protect ourselves and our family with the only cell phone radiation device available.
Here are more tips to protect yourself.