Until more is known about cell phone dangers then you should be avoiding mobile phone radiation and use the only proven & tested cell phone radiation protection device on the market today.
We wear our seat belt for protection in case of a car accident, we wear helmets to protect ourselves from head injuries when riding our bike or playing sports and we use condoms to practice safe sex. These safety precautions are done to minimize the harmful effects to your health and well being aren't they, so why would you not want to make your cell phone as safe as can be and use a protective device on your cell phone.
We are now a world that has become overly dependent on our mobile phones; therefore it is more than inconceivable to suggest that we stop using them, for many that is just not possible. What is being suggested here is that you use your cell phone and cordless phone with safety in mind and use what works and what will provide you with the best possible protection when it comes to the radiation that goes directly into your inner ear when talking on the phone. The inner ear is has the highest absorption rate than any other part of your body and most of the health concerns are directly behind the ear.
Yes, your favorite mobile phone is loaded with clever features and applications that allows you to do just about anything, but what you need to realize is that it does emit radiation when it is turned on and that radiation has been linked in numerous studies to various health issues one of which cell phone cancer. You wouldn’t stick your head in a working microwave oven would you, then why do you want to use a cell phone without using a WaveShield radiation protection device?
Research has been conducted worldwide and is continuing so as to possibly come to a firm conclusion on how long term cell phone use affects the brain, infertility, cancer and many other serious illnesses. The research that has been done so far has been on people who have been exposed to cell phone radiation for less than 10 years and indications are pointing to more serious effects with frequent and longer use although some findings disagree.
For every piece of evidence that shows a link between cell phone use and ill health, there are further studies which contradict that link. You can draw your own conclusions from an analysis that was done of 350 studies performed independently from networks and manufacturers that approximately 75% confirmed biological effects from mobile phone radiation, compared to only 25% performed by industry funded research.
If you are old enough to remember what the tobacco industry spouted for years that smoking was safe and we all know what happened with that argument.
Until things are finally determined one way or the other you need to err on the side of caution and use a Wave Shield Radiation Protection Device on all your mobile phones which includes cordless phones.
Why take a chance with your health, have the comfort of knowing that you are doing something right now to protect yourself and your family.